Friday, April 11, 2008

PLN 10

I read an article called, “Bridging the Difference” was talking about how to make kids in school actually want to learn. It was saying how so many kids do not feel the need to even go to school anymore. They think, why go somewhere that I hate, get yelled at, picked on, and always stressed? This relates to me because I feel like that sometimes too. When I get home to do my homework (that is just piling up) and I look at my history homework that I have to name the officers in a war I wonder how this will actually help my life. Or, do I really know how to find the circumference of a circle in my life? Honestly the only reason I go to school is because I have to, and I want to succeed in life and go to college (even though that is just more school).

More and more kids are dropping out of school each year. This needs to be cut down but how? Teachers and schools need to start taking a different approach in teaching. First of all, we have had the same curriculum for the past 40 years it seems. I am doing projects that my mom did over thirty years ago. If our world is changing so much and we are advancing so much then why isn’t our learning changing too? School needs to be more interesting and reach out to everyone and their learning needs. If those changes happen our schools will be a better more interesting place.

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