Tuesday, October 23, 2007

PLNweek-6 post-13

In an article I read called “Are You Ready to Grow? What’s Holding You Back?” by: Mrs. Parsons, it was talking about how there is too much information out there for our brains to understand. This made me think a lot about how much the human brain is actually capable of. Mrs. Parsons was saying things like how the knowledge of this world surpasses that of the human mind. So then I thought well, who put that information there…yes us! The humans with supposedly their tiny minds. Now I don’t think that Mrs. Parson was trying to say that we are all stupid and oblivious to the fast pace of knowledge in our world but there are others who would say that.

I personally think that we have not yet succeeded to come to see the full capability of our own brain. I believe that the human mind is an infinite source of knowledge and can never really be at its full potential. Now that may seem very confusing and I even confuse my self but think about it, how can we really know how smart we can be if we are never as smart as we can be? Wow. Why would our minds have a little meter of how much it can contain and when that meter hits the top its time to empty. No, I don’t believe that at all. The tough thing is that we are the most intelligent species on earth. We can see how smart a dog perhaps, can be, because we are dominant over them, but there is no one dominant over us that can tell us how smart we can be. No one on this earth at least.

I personally believe in God, and with that I believe that he created us and our minds. So, why would he put a limit on that mind? Some people say that technology is now “passing” us in intelligence. I don’t understand where they would come up with that idea. To me God made us, how can we be smarter then him? Well we can’t, it’s the same thing with technology; we created it, so how could it possibly be smarter than its creator?!

Another thing that ticks me off is when people say they aren’t as smart as someone else. Aren’t we all an equal race? So how on earth could someone else truly be more intelligent than another person. Yes they may contain more knowledge, at that moment, but if the other person really tried they could be just as smart. None of us have come to the full capability of our own minds like I said before I believe that our minds are infinite. Is that a good thing? Or a frightening thing knowing that we can be as brilliant as we want! What comes along with that kind of power? Well, I honestly have no idea but that’s what the future holds.

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