Wednesday, November 14, 2007

PLN week-10 post-19

In an article I read titled; “Is it an English as a Second Language?” by Karl Fisch was talking about how the English language is changing and so are the people that are speaking it. This was a subject I had been thinking about for a while now. In this post were some things that had me shocked, but yet at the same time not so surprised because I could see this coming.

“The issue is: whose English will it be? Non-native speakers now outnumber
native English-speakers by three to one. As hundreds of millions more learn the
language, that imbalance will grow. Mr Graddol says the majority of encounters
in English today take place between non-native speakers. Indeed, he adds, many
business meetings held in English appear to run more smoothly when there are no
native English-speakers present.”

That is just crazy to think that the people who use English as their first language, are out numbered by people who don’t even speak English natively! This language is becoming more known and used all over the world, and maybe used less in the places that actually has it as a first language. He also said that the majority of conversations that are in English are spoken between people who are non-native speakers.

Then it when on to talk about how this language may be changed, and completely different from how we know it today. The people who are adopting this language are altering the way it is spoken too. It has changed drastically over time thinking of the way English was spoken back in Shakespeare time compared to now, so what would be stopping it from changing again? This is a very shaky subject and has causes many debates on this having to do with immigration and the language being spoken here in the United States.

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