Tuesday, September 25, 2007


In a post recommended by Ms. Smith called, ‘Is Payment for Good Grades Legitimate Motivation in this Day and Age?’ It was discussing on whether or not giving kids money for getting good grades is a good idea to get kids to try harder in school. I honestly think it is a good tactic to use. I’m not really going to argue on me getting money. Even though my mom doesn’t do that and all I get is a “good job”, if my mom did do that I would probably get straight A’s. But then again, I sort of do already. Right now I’m not doing that great but still have A’s and B’s.

I don’t think it is necessary to give your kid money for doing well in school but it’s a nice gesture. The student should want to get good grades for themselves though, not just to get some money when report cards come out. My old soccer coach would say that if we won our games, he would take us out for ice cream. Yes we would look forward to that but honestly no one on my team was saying, “I hope our goalie blocks this shot because I’m really in the mood for a Chocolate Sunday!” No, we wanted to win so we could say that our team was the best and to have that feeling of accomplishment. It’s the same in class, I wouldn’t do good on my PLN entries just to get five bucks from my mom, I would do it so Ms. Smith wouldn’t kick me in the shins!

I guess it just depends on what works for the individual student. If him/her knowing that if they do well on a test they will be able to go to a party, then they might study a little more. When I think of getting money for grades it makes me think of a job and how you work to get money. So me doing my homework is like my job, and then I get payed. But, I don’t think that any kid needs that money at the end of the symester to motivate them to do a good job in school, that should just happen, and the money be an extra reward.

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