Friday, March 21, 2008


I read an article called, ""Schoolboys Face Court in Racial Taunting" by Myung Oak which was article on recent racism in a school. I found this article to be interesting becuase just yesterday in my history class we were discussing racism in our world. We all thought that racism is in the past and our society has moved on from that, but I guess not. It sadens me that we still have this type of cruelty in our world.

The three kids who were faced in court because they were taunting a minority student at their school. They were following behind them with their hoods up chanting "KKK". That is just a horrible thing to do and say and I just can not imagine who would do such a thing. I do beleive that we have come a long way in our society and overall world in racism. This just shows that we still have a lot of improvement. Though I have never had to deal with this problem I still see it going on around me.

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